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sexta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2007

Different satellite orbits

  1. The artificial satellites occupy different orbits that have different characteristics. Normally, these routes are defined in relation to Earth.

  2. Most of telecommunication satellites are geostationary satellites, or occupy an orbit geostacionária.

  3. Depending on the altitude at which the satellites are, and depending on the characteristics that describe the orbit, it is possible to define various types of orbits: - GEO (Geosynchronous Earth Orbit): circular orbit equatorial geossíncrona.´

  • Lperíodo of revolution: 23h56 m4, 091 s

  • Laltitude average: 35786 km

  • LEO (Low Earth Orbit): órblaltitude typical: 500-1500 km Lperíodo of revolution 1h 30m-2h

  • MEO (Medium Earth Orbit): circular orbit of average altitude Laltitude typical: 10400 km Lperíodo of revolution 6 hours

  • HEO (Highly Elliptical Orbit): elliptic orbit Lórbita elliptic inclined Lperigeu low altitude

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